Getting Your License
What are the Colorado Laws and Requirements for Minors getting their Graduated Driver's License?
To be issued a Minor Colorado Driver's License (ages 16 - 18) you must meet the following requirements:
• Must hold instruction permit for 12 months (if under 18)
• Must be at least 16 years old
• Present a completed and signed Drive Time Log (if under 18)
• License will expire 20 days after your 21st birthday
• A 6-hour Behind the Wheel (BTW) certificate is required, for any minor who is under the age of 16 years 6 months at the time they apply for their license. Exception: 12 hours of behind the wheel training may be administered by a parent, guardian or alternate permit supervisor if there is no approved school offering at least 20 hours of driver education per week located within 30 miles of the permit holders residence.
• Pass a drive test with either a third-party tester or at a Driver's License office. *Drive Tests at Driver's License offices are by appointment only*
Am I allowed to driving after I get the paperwork for passing the driving test?
No! You still must go the DMV and get the paperwork processed before you can drive. It is illegal to drive without a permit or a valid driver's license.
I am over 16 years old. What do I do?
• Pass the written test.
• Log 50 hours of driving time with the adult that signed the R2460 at the DMV when you got your permit. 10 of these hours must be night time.
• Hold the permit for 365 days.
• Pass the driving test
What do I take to the DMV for the license?
Minors need to bring the following items:
- The permit
- Any testing paperwork if student passed and took driving skills test with Elite Driving Academy
- 50 hour driving log
- If your student was required to do 6 hours of driver's training with an instructor due to their age, that original certificate needs to be turned in as well
- Proof of where student lives such as car registration or any mail delivered to the house where student lives with the address in tact
- Know the social security number of student
Getting Your Permit
How do I get my learner's permit right when I turn 15 and get my license as soon as I turn 16?
• Take a 30 hour Driver's education class either online or in the classroom by a Colorado Approved Driving School. You'll want to take this prior to turning 15, but remember that the certificate expires after six months, so you will want to wait until you are within five months of turning 15.
• After you turn 15 and have passed the written test, you need to log 6 hours of behind-the-wheel training with a Colorado Approved Driving School.
• Log 50 hours of driving time with the adult that signed the R2460 at the DMV when you got your permit. 10 of these hours must be night time.
• Hold your permit for 365 days.
• Pass the driving test.
What do I need to bring to the permit test?
- Picture ID
- All Cell phones must be turned off and are not allowed in testing area.
- You are allotted an appointment time to test, not to study. Please arrive prepared for the test. Elite Driving Academy will not disclose test questions, nor do they provide study guides. Please refer to the CO Driver's Handbook. A link is provided on Elite's website.
- you need either a Colorado ID so we can use the number from it to enter test scores or you visit dmv site and hit the link that says "apply for a drivers lisense" this generages a code and builds a bridge between us and the dmv to enter your test data. Have this process complete prior to taking the permit test with us so we can enter data in a timely manner.
What do I take to the DMV to get the permit?
- Any certificates given to the student upon completion of the class.
- Any testing paperwork if student took and passed a permit test
- Original birth certificate
- Original Soc Sec Card
- 2 documents proving residency. For example: a check with address, car registration with address, mail that has been delivered to that residence. etc.
Am I allowed to drive after I get the paperwork for passing the permit test?
No! You still must go the DMV and get the paperwork processed before you can drive. It is illegal to drive without a permit or a valid driver's license.
Taking the Road Test
Can I take the road test at Elite?
Yes, once the permit has been held by a minor for 365 days, you may have them take the drive test. Be sure to call a week before to schedule it. Elite Driving also does drive tests for non students and adults. A permit is always mandatory.
What do I need to know about taking the road test?
- There is a check list under our resource tab. Please read it and arrive prepared. Unprepared people waste 30 min. of our time and will be charged a rebooking fee.
- We have roundabouts and lane changes and hidden intersections in our routes as well as school zones. All are required to be approved as test routes by the state of Colorado. Be familiar with the rules of all of these amoung other general driving skills.
- If you are required to wear corrective lenses or contacts , it is your responsibility to put them on. Tester is not required to ask you to put them on or if you are wearing them.
- Drivers with restricted licenses are only permitted to test in vehicles registered under their names equipped with interlock device.
- No passengers other than tester and person being tested are permitted in car. No animals.
- No shows are charged an additional $60 fee upon rescheduling the test. 24 hours advance notice is required for cancelations.
- Minors 18 or under must have held the permit for 365 days before they are eligible to test. Anyone attempting to test prior to that day will be charged $60 for the appointment slot. Please know that Elite Driving Academy will NOT violate testing rules. Please check your issue dates prior to scheduling.
- If an applicant fails, and chooses to retest another day, there is a retesting fee. That fee is $60
- We adhere to all testing standards set forth by the Colorado Dept. of Revenue and will abide by these. Test results are NOT negotiable and any threatening or argumentative behaviour in our office will not be tolorated. All results will be discussed after the test.
Behind-the-Wheel Training
What car does my student drive during behind-the-wheel training?
Elite Driving Academy is required to do all behind-the-wheel training in a state approved car equipped with a passenger brake. It is illegal for any student to drive any other car except for the state approved vehicle.